A Guide to Meditation
We love the amazing benefits of meditation and how great it can be for our overall mental health and physical wellbeing. It can help with reducing stress, anxiety and can enhance our self-awareness. It can also improve our memory, spark our creativity and help us focus.
But if you have tried to meditate and thought, am I doing this right? You’re not alone. We have put together a few tips and a simple step-by-step meditation guide to help.

Start Small
By starting with just 2 minutes a day for a week, and then increasing by an extra 2 mins each week, eventually you will be meditating for 10 minutes. Amazing! But start small first!
Make time for it every day
It can be easy to say “I’ll meditate everyday”. But we know that life gets busy and we can often forget to make time for it. So, a great way to commit to your practice is setting just the 2 minutes aside every morning or even setting a reminder on your phone or put a sticky note that says meditate somewhere you will see it to remind you.
it doesn't have to be perfect
Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in the idea of what meditating should look like. It can be as simple as dedicating a small corner of a room to your meditation practice with just a cushion, a few crystals and items that inspire you. You can sit cross-legged if you like, but you can also lay down, kneel or stand; whatever position is most comfortable to you is fine.
Be kind to yourself
As you check in with yourself through meditation, try adopting a friendly attitude and ditch the criticism. You may be tempted to worry that you are doing it wrong – you’re not. There is no perfect way to do it. Go with the flow, take a deep breath, smile and give yourself some love and praise.

Ready, Set, Meditate!
- Sit or lie comfortably & quietly in your meditation spot, ensuring that you and the room around you is at a comfortable temperature. You may choose to have some gentle music playing, diffuse some essential oils or even place an eye pillow over your eyes to help you feel relaxed;
- Breathe deeply and take a few moments to settle your body; ensure there is nothing that will make you scratch or fidget as much as possible;
- Check in with yourself by scanning your body. Observe any tension or discomfort. Do not try to change what you find, simply take note of it. Scan the body again, but this time notice which parts of the body feel relaxed;
- Now turn your awareness to your thoughts. Observe any thoughts that arise without attempting to alter them. Just become aware of what is there without judgment;
- Return your focus back to your breathing. Inhale. Exhale. Let it refocus and centre you if you have become distracted;
- Allow yourself to now just sit for a few moments. You might find your mind wandering. Whatever happens is completely fine. Simply return to your focus back to your breathing. Inhale. Exhale;
- Enjoy the moment of feeling calm and the rare chance of allowing your mind to simply be. Thoughts can come and go, sensations come and go, you are not intending anything;
- To end your meditation, embrace very slow movement. Gradually, open your eyes. Start to move some of your body. Move at the speed that feels right for you. This slow movement helps the body integrate the inner and outer and allows you to carry the inner bliss with you for the rest of the day!